Laws for Life

As set out in the foreword to my series of business books ‘The Dream Enabler’, for as long as I can remember, the obsessive study of great thinkers has been my favourite pastime.

One aspect of this has been my evolving approach to ‘common placing’ – that is, the constant collection and ordering of the ideas of others.

Common placing has evolved, for me, from simply hoarding as many of my favourite books as possible, to cataloguing separately my favourite extracts, re-cataloguing extracts into disciplines and themes and to summarising the extracts into a centralised, personal ‘bible’ loosely titled ‘brain food’.

This ‘Laws for Life’ Reference Guide sets out some of the content that indirectly inspired me to write The Dream Enabler series and more generally has long held a special place in my ‘brain food’ collection.

Sourced from many publicly available places, the list is by no means complete. It has however provided useful guidance to me on many occasions and I hope it does for you as well.

Helpful Heuristics Handbook

As set out in the foreword’s in other publications in Matthew’s ‘Dream Enabler’ series, for as long as we can remember, the obsessive study of great thinkers has been our favourite pastime.

One aspect of this has been our evolving approach to ‘common placing’ – that is, the constant collection and ordering of the ideas of others. Common placing has evolved, for us, from simply hoarding as many of our favourite books as possible, to cataloguing separately the key extracts, re-cataloguing extracts into disciplines and themes and then to summarising the extracts into a centralised, personal ‘bible’ loosely titled ‘brain food’.

This release, the ‘Helpful Heuristics Handbook’ sets out some of the content that indirectly inspired us to create other books in The Dream Enabler series. More broadly the heuristics featured here have also had an evolving and increasingly important place in our day to day thinking and decision making. As heuristics are designed to be ‘rules of thumb’ or short cuts to making reliably useful decisions quickly – without any focus on the underlying science; this handbook adopts the same approach.

In relation to any heuristics in this handbook that are not self-explanatory – or indeed that you would like more information or context about – please contact us.

The other alternative of course is to investigate yourself via that ubiquitous heuristic tool (not actually otherwise mentioned in this book); namely leveraging Dr Google. Or as we were gently reminded recently: ‘LMGTFY’ is a thing; acknowledging the irony that you may need to Google this…

Bad Dad (and Other Musings)

The Dream Enabler Series shares many of the key learnings I have been fortunate to discover while having unprecedented access to some of Australia’s most successful people.Inspired by one of my heroes, Dr Seuss, all books have covers colour-coded to help identify the genre.

The Orange Book shares the inspiration that was leveraged to write ‘The Dream Enabler’ (or ‘white book’) and formed the business plan for the founding of law and fintech firm View Legal.

The Black Book is a ‘workbook’. It provides a framework to explore and achieve momentum in relation to each of the key concepts explained in detail in the white book. It is designed to be actively ‘consumed’ by readers – with space deliberately set aside for note taking by the reader.

The White Book is a 60,000 word business book that deeply explores the lessons I have learned while working for and reading the literature of some of the most successful leaders in our community.

This release, ‘Bad Dad (and other Musings)’, is a further iteration in the Dream Enabler Series.

It succinctly captures over 60 of my business related LinkedIn posts that have created the most amount of engagement.

Each musing is in turn shared with the image from the relevant post; embracing the idiom that a picture tells 1,000 words.

101 Tips for Staying Young and Foolish

The Dream Enabler Series shares many of the key learnings Matthew Burgess has been fortunate to discover while having unprecedented access to some of Australia’s most successful people.

Inspired by one of his heroes, Dr Seuss, all books have covers colour-coded to help identify the genre.

The Orange Book shares the inspiration that was leveraged to write ‘The Dream Enabler’ (or ‘white book’) and formed the business plan for the founding of law and fintech firm View Legal.

The Black Book is a ‘workbook’. It provides a framework to explore and achieve momentum in relation to each of the key concepts explained in detail in the white book. It is designed to be actively ‘consumed’ by readers – with space deliberately set aside for note taking by the reader.

The White Book is a 60,000 word business book that deeply explores the lessons Matthew has learnt while working for and reading the literature of some of the most successful leaders in our community.

This release, 101 Tips for Staying Young and Foolish, is a further iteration in the Dream Enabler Series. It succinctly captures each of the 101 lessons explored in the Orange Book.

Each lesson is in turn shared with an image; embracing the mantra that a picture tells a 1,000 words.

The Dream Enabler Reference Guide

Like most lawyers, I have had others attach labels to me over the years, including:

(a) the baby faced assassin
(b) the lawyer to get when you don’t want to deal with a lawyer
(c) the ‘www’ (why the wealthy win) guy

The one that has meant the most to me was coined by a small business operator I helped guarantee she survived and ultimately prospered during a difficult start up phase.  She called me ‘The Dream Enabler’.

The Dream Enabler Reference Guide (or ‘orange book’) shares the inspiration that was leveraged to write ‘The Dream Enabler’ (or ‘white book’).

The Dream Enabler Workbook

The Dream Enabler Workbook (or ‘black book’) is designed to be a companion to ‘The Dream Enabler’ book
(or ‘white book’).

It provides a framework to explore and achieve momentum in relation to each of the key concepts, leveraging the foundations explained in detail in the white book.

The Dream Enabler

The Dream Enabler (or ‘white book’) is a 60,000 word business book that shares many of the key learnings I have been fortunate to discover while having unprecedented access to some of Australia’s most successful people.

Sliding Image Sliding Image

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